Healed & Whole Recovery Coaching Terms and Conditions.

These Terms and Conditions apply to services provided by Healed & Whole Recovery Coaching and to all online properties (i.e. social media pages and website.) The purchase of recovery coaching services is subject to the following terms and conditions. Please read these carefully. By purchasing coaching services, you agree to these terms as well as any other terms or guidelines that apply to any portion of services provided without limitation.

Provision of Services

Fees & Payment Terms

1. These Terms and Conditions apply to the provision of my services as Recovery Coach or through subsequent discussions as requested by you, “The Client.”

2. You are deemed to have accepted these Terms and Conditions when you request my services and throughout the period that these services are provided. These Terms and Conditions are the entire agreement between us.

3. I, the recovery coach, warrant that I will use care and skill in the performance of the services for which you, the client, engage me.

4. Fees and invoices will be specified and personalised to your specific requirements.

General Disclaimer

5. Pippa Rogers is a certified recovery coach who provides ongoing support and guidance for individuals struggling with eating disorders and disordered eating, focusing on the present moment and helping clients with the changes and action necessary for recovery. Pippa Rogers is certified in helping to provide tips and strategies for how to recover and work towards a healthier future, but is neither trained nor qualified to help explore the deeper rooted reasons on how disordered eating began or to help process trauma or previous difficulties from the past. Clients should discuss these issues with their therapist, psychiatrist, or other appropriate treatment professionals. Pippa Rogers does not provide therapy, nutrition counselling, or other mental health counselling. Pippa Rogers does not take the place of such, thus cannot provide treatment or give associated professional advice or diagnosis.

6. All personal data and information shared with Pippa Rogers will remain confidential and will not be shared to a third party under any circumstances, unless Pippa Rogers, the recovery coach, believes the client is at serious risk of harming themselves or others. 

7. Any testimonials provided on Healed & Whole Recovery website and Pippa Rogers Recovery Coaching social media are opinions and personal experiences of those providing them. The information provided in the testimonials does not guarantee a particular outcome in the clients specific situation. The results the client experience will be dependent upon many factors including, but not limited to, the level of personal responsibility, commitment, and abilities, in addition to those factors that you and /or I may not be able to anticipate. It is the responsibility of the client to work at the agreed treatment plan and keep scheduled appointments in place to stay on track with recovery.

8. Recovery Coaching is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical or psychological services, and it should not be relied upon as such. The information provided in coaching sessions does not serve to diagnose, treat, or provide a cure for any condition the client may be experiencing. If the client requires medical or psychological services it is the clients responsibility to seek it out from a licensed professional.

9. The recovery coach’s role is to support and assist the client in reaching personal set goals, but the clients’ success depends primarily on their own effort, motivation and commitment. The recovery coach cannot predict and does not guarantee that the client will attain a particular result, and the client accepts and understands that results differ for each individual. Each individual’s results depend on his or her dedication, desire, motivation, actions, and numerous other factors. You, the client, fully agree that there are no guarantees as to the specific outcome or results you can expect from using the information you receive throughout your coaching sessions.